Fish and Fishing

Fish and Fishing – Lesson Plan, Activities, Worksheets, Themes, Ideas


Fish and Fishing – Lesson Plan, Activities, Worksheets, Themes, Ideas


“ Fish and Fishing ” has been included in our Curriculum – “The ZERO Curriculum™”.


We are proud to be the World’s Best and Most Economical Curricular Services Provider.

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“ Fish and Fishing ” should be included in all Curriculum.

But, stand-alone Fish and Fishing Lesson Plans, Fish and Fishing Activities, and un-linked Fish and Fishing Worksheets will NOT form a proper Curriculum.

It is of utmost necessity that knowledge about “ Fish and Fishing ” is delivered to the Child, in Developmentally Appropriate Format.



For “ Fish and Fishing ” to be delivered to the Child as per – DAP ‘Developmentally Appropriate Practices’ format, it has to follow these –

Fish and Fishing should be delivered through scientifically researched and coordinated Learning Path.

Fish and Fishing should be delivered in an coherent manner and not hither thither.

Instructional Dialogues, Follow up Activities, Informational Elements, Worksheets, each elements of Fish and Fishing has to be Developmentally Appropriate.




What has to be ‘taught’ regarding Fish and Fishing.

How ‘that’ thing about Fish and Fishing has to be ‘taught’.

The list of such How’s is also very long – how instructional exercises are to be carried out? How activities to be done? How discussion is to be started? How to conduct related thematic activity? How to use Flash Card? How to use worksheets? And much more. All such How’s has been properly addressed in our Curriculum.


E.g. Regarding a ‘particular’ Animal, what holds much importance is –How appreciation about that ‘animal’ is generated, how beauty of nature is seen by child in that animal.Also, – Which Features child observes on its own?

– What Teacher shall explain about that animal?

– Which features makes it fall under a particular classification?

– Which all features shall be emphasized for the child?

– What makes it different from other animals?

– What makes it similar to other animals?





Using copied-pasted Fish and Fishing ‘Activity/Lesson Plan/Worksheets‘ – Evaluation Checklist


If all elements regarding “ Fish and Fishing ”, is not properly planned, than it might happen that, instead of benefiting the Child, it may ‘Harm’.

While using just any copied pasted things from here and there in the name of Curriculum, one need to answer these –

Is the Activity/Lesson Plan/Worksheets, most appropriate for that particular topic?

Is the Activity/Lesson Plan/Worksheets, age-appropriate?

Is the Activity/Lesson Plan/Worksheets, most appropriate for the Child?

Is the Activity/Lesson Plan/Worksheets,leading to Conceptual Learning?

Is the Activity/Lesson Plan/Worksheets, providing relevant learning experiences?

Is the Activity/Lesson Plan/Worksheets, happening in meaningful contexts?

Is the Activity/Lesson Plan/Worksheets, accurate as per recognised standards of the respective discipline/subjects?

Is the Activity/Lesson Plan/Worksheets, promoting feeling of enjoyment of learning?


The checklist to evaluate the Activity/Lesson Plan/Worksheets is much bigger than this, however just by having a glimpse, one can understand that having proper Activity / Lesson Plan / Worksheets and proper Curriculum, it requires more than simple editing skills.

In fact, the task of developing proper Activity / Lesson Plan / Worksheets and having proper Curriculum is much more challenging than the term ‘hard work’.

So, instead of Looking for stand-alone Fish and Fishing Lesson Plans, Fish and Fishing Activities, and un-linked Fish and Fishing Worksheets, immediately Subscribe to our Curriculum – “The ZERO Curriculum™”, Click Here.



Curriculum is not just one thing – Fish and Fishing.

Preschool Curriculum in general will have at least 72000 elements to be addressed. So, even if one has capability to develop own Curriculum, it shall be remembered that many things might be un-addressed and it will not be Proper Curriculum.

Our Curricular Services are so Economically Priced that it is better to Subscribe to Our services, than to surf Internet. “Our Monthly Installments are so Economical Priced that instead of wasting your next many Years on fruitlessly surfing Internet, you shall immediately Subscribe to our Curricular Services – Click Here”.


So, instead of Looking for stand-alone Fish and Fishing Lesson Plans, Fish and Fishing Activities, and un-linked Fish and Fishing Worksheets, immediately Subscribe to our Curriculum – “The ZERO Curriculum™”, Click Here.



If you intend to Subscribe to our Curriculum – “The ZERO Curriculum™”, then following Pages will be of your interest –




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